Sustainability kitIn 2017, our entire company achieved carbon neutrality. One by one, the carbon footprint of our products – DEBASAFE® , UNIPACK® / DEBAPAC® and DEBAPOST® – was reduced to net zero. Since then, we’ve expanded our work on behalf of the environment by starting the DEBASAFE® sustainability campaign and by upgrading our standard and stock DEBASAFE® bags to Blue Angel quality, which hugely increased the proportion of our safebags classed as resource-saving. Our brochure entitled “Our campaign for sustainable security bags” provides information on products which are climate-neutral and certified (Blue Angel) as well as information on our sustainability campaign.

In the course of our sustainability campaign, we support various programs such as a water project in India as well as various social and environmental projects in Togo. For example, we’ve been involved in reforestation work in Togo, planting 3000 indigenous trees, and have also provided 40 beehives for the local beekeeping school. These beehives are manufactured locally, which has helped provide workplaces and keep business brisk at the bee-keeping school. Every year, the school trains up to 12 beekeepers who can then set up their own business and support a family with just five beehives. All the current beehives are now populated, and more are set to follow. Honey bees are not only very hard working – they’re also extremely useful for us humans. Did you know that a single honey bee has to fly around the earth three times in order to produce 500g of honey?

DERIBA CO2 calculator & DERIBA recycling kit

Tofo BeeNaturally, we go further in our commitment to the environment and to ensuring our products are used in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner. For example, customers can use our DERIBA CO2 calculator to see just how much CO2 they save by using our sustainable products. You’ll find the CO2 calculator here:

Customers can also use our DERIBA recycling kit to become part of our corporate closed recycling loop, and thus play their part in saving the environment. In this loop, safebags are collected in the recycling bag provided. This is then sent to BeRec GmbH, a company which belongs to our Group, where the waste films are sorted, cleaned, melted and turned into tiny PE pellets. These are then subjected to a process called extrusion to create transparent or opaque PCR film. In a final step, the recycled PE waste is then made into new packaging (the DERIBA recycling loop).
These thoughtful and responsible measures further underscore our proactive commitment to the environment. And they enable our customers to handle resources and unavoidable plastic packaging in a responsible manner.
You’d like to learn more about our sustainability campaign? Download our DEBASAFE® sustainability
brochure here:
Our campaign for sustainable security bags