Here at DEBATIN, we’re committed to acting sustainably and protecting the environment – and also to open, honest communication. Our goal is maximum transparency when it comes to communicating our efforts and achievements in the field of carbon neutrality.

Scope 3 & the “Green Claims Directive”

From 2017 to 2023, DEBATIN as a company and all DEBATIN products were certified carbon neutral for all Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. In January 2024, however, following a great deal of soul searching, we decided to discontinue offsetting our Scope 3 emissions. These are the emissions that emanate from outside our direct control (emissions from product-relevant processes, such as bought-in materials and waste), and for many years, we used carbon credits to offset them.

Our decision — which we did not make lightly, but which we regretfully consider necessary for the time being — was made in light of the new “Green Claims Directive” issued by the EU Commission, subsequently supported by the ruling of the German Federal Court of Justice on 27 June 2024 (Az. I ZR 98/23).

The Federal Court of Justice ruling on carbon neutrality and environmental claims

The ruling of the court prohibits misleading environmental claims, in an effort to ensure the use of carbon neutral logos is more fully transparent. Thus a company’s advertising (e.g. its logo) must now give a clear indication of whether the carbon neutrality claim comes from real reductions in carbon emissions, or whether it has been achieved through carbon offsetting via climate protection projects.

At DEBATIN, we combine both these things. The changes in labelling do not alter one iota our conviction that the climate protection projects run by our partner natureOffice are important and meaningful. Nor do they alter our commitment to our planet, as reflected in the fact that we will continue to offset our scope 1 and 2 emissions (direct emissions from our own machinery and vehicles; indirect emissions, in particular from the generation of purchased energy).

A brown paper mailing bag (DEBAPOST Paper Second Life) with sustainability logos and labelling is pictured in a meadow, surrounded by white flowers. The logos include “100% paper”, “no plastic", “organic waste”. In addition, there is a “carbon neutral” logo, circled in red.

What exactly does this mean for DEBATIN and for DEBATIN products?

  • DEBATIN products are no longer permitted to bear the “carbon neutral” logo.
  • DEBATIN Bruchsal and DEBATIN Hoenheim continue to be run on an entirely carbon-neutral basis – the DEBATIN Group is still carbon neutral!
  • The new logo testifies to the carbon neutrality of our corporate group.
The illustration shows the changes to the “carbon neutral” logo. The top left logo reads "carbon neutral". A green arrow points towards the same logo, crossed out, on the right. This shows that it is no longer in use. At the bottom left is the old logo which says “klimaneutral” (“carbon neutral”), together with the DEBATIN logo and two green leaves. A second green arrow points towards the right, to a new label with a QR code and the words “natureOffice Carbon Footprint” for “Unternehmen” (“companies”) with a link leading to

Rest assured that by choosing to buy DEBATIN products, you are still choosing a carbon-neutral supplier and supporting our commitment to climate protection and sustainability.

New software calculates our exact carbon footprint — products can still be labelled carbon neutral!

We are deeply aware of the responsibility we bear to our environment, our climate and to future generations, and we know our customers and partners feel the same.
That’s why we’re currently developing a software solution that will soon be able to provide an exact calculation of the carbon footprint of each order. If these carbon emissions are offset through a certified climate agency, we’ll be very happy to add the logo they supply to the relevant products. In other words, our customers can still proudly display the carbon neutrality of their products!

If you have any other questions about this issue and would like more information about carbon neutral labelling on your DEBATIN products, please do get in touch – we’re always happy to hear from you.