DEBATIN optimises recycling with PreZero

DEBATIN's collaboration with PreZero paves the way for more sustainable products Waste collected through Germany's plastic recycling bag finds a new use in the circular economy The FachPack trade fair in Nuremberg is one of the industry's most important events. Anton Debatin GmbH has even had the [...]


DEBATIN embraces responsibility as an important link in many supply chains

Supply chains for DEBATIN customers are a top priority: our multiple supplier strategy helps to minimise risk Supply chains are more relevant and under more scrutiny than ever before, the whole world over. Innumerable factors present challenges to supply chains – from the COVID-19 pandemic to geopolitical tensions, cyber [...]


Bachelor dissertation portrays DEBATIN as a shining example

Thomas Rose interviewed by student from Heidelberg In order to write a bachelor dissertation, students need to engage with the relevant literature, develop a strong research question and decide how to collect their data. Afterwards, they have to present their results in the context of existing academic research on [...]


DEBATIN celebrates its centenary – sustainability as a core DEBATIN value

Until the nineteen-sixties, the sustainability of our planet was not something people gave much thought to. Environmental awareness only began to creep in as the West gradually became aware of the negative repercussions of industrial activity. Initially, people used phrases like “environmental hygiene” or “protecting the environment”. Only towards [...]


Corporate Network for Climate Protection: Investing energy in saving energy

Carbon offsetting is often regarded with suspicion or written off as ‘greenwashing’. Well, sometimes that’s true – for example, when companies purchase carbon credits without worrying further about our climate. But that’s not how we roll at DEBATIN. Of course, we do buy into carbon-offset schemes, in cooperation with [...]


The DEBATEAM on the move: putting energy into a good cause

Doing good, building fitness, and enjoying fantastic weather – that’s what the second DEBATIN Charity Tour was all about! On 15 May 2022, the participants jumped onto their bicycles and set off from Freudenstadt towards Rastatt, and then on to Bruchsal – all for a good cause. The [...]


The DEBATIN sustainability strategy: Sustainable procurement is non-negotiable!

Sustainability has always been a matter of utmost importance to DEBATIN. Over the last ten years, our general convictions have grown and developed into a detailed sustainability strategy that is now firmly anchored in DEBATIN’s corporate strategy. “We decided to nail our colours to the mast and transition to 100 % [...]

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