Contact Anton Debatin
Is there anything else you’d like to know about our products? Or perhaps you’re looking for an individual solution for securely transporting / shipping / storing your documents, valuables, products or reference samples?
Write us a message – we’d love to hear from you, and will respond to your query as quickly as possible.
Contact us
Anton Debatin GmbH
Vichystraße 6
D-76646 Bruchsal
Tel. +49 7251 8009 100
Fax +49 7251 8009 199
Opening hours
Mo – Th 8 – 17 h
Fr 8 – 13 h
Sa + Su closed
Further locations
Debatin SAS
6 rue de l‘Electricité, BP 05
F-67801 Hoenheim Cedex
Tél. +33 3 88 19 70 00
Fax +33 3 88 19 70 01
L.E.S.S. France
6 rue de l‘Electricité, BP 05
F-67801 Hoenheim Cedex
Tél. +33 1 64 26 79 40
Fax +33 1 64 26 38 10
United Kingdom
Debatin UK Ltd
Buckingham House, Myrtle Lane, Billingshurst,
West Sussex, RH14 9SG
Tél. +44 798 409 5528
Fax +49 7251 8009 199