DEBATIN’s centenary year is slowly drawing to a close. This blog marks our final monthly review of the last 100 years of DEBATIN’s company history. Our innovations, developments, milestones, active commitment to sustainability… and so much more!

The DEBATIN archives – a veritable treasure trove

All our preparations for DEBATIN’s centenary anniversary were based on the DEBATIN archives. We sifted through mountains of photos, films, documents and advertising media. Our labours resulted in a variety of highlights including a “History of DEBATIN” film, boards for a permanent DEBATIN exhibition (German and French only) at our headquarters in Bruchsal, and material for our centenary anniversary website. We worked hard, and we’ve got lots to show for it! However, some things we spotted have nevertheless remained hidden in the wings up to now. High time, we decided, to return to the archives and dig up a few more treasures!

DEBATIN 100 years Flags

DEBATIN’s cinematographic art – too good to hide away in the archives!

Our most recent efforts yielded a short film that takes us on a lightning-speed tour through the DEBATIN decades, showing design and product developments, hairstyles, fashions, technological progress and everyday working life. Not to give the wrong impression – we don’t really walk round all day long stroking our safety bags and mailing bags. Honest 😉

Enjoy the video, and here’s wishing you a happy Christmas and all the best in 2024!


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Maybe we’ll even see you next year at DEBATIN…

… join the DEBATEAM and become part of a social change!

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Anton Debatin GmbH
HR department

Frau Anja Westendorf
Vichystraße 6
D-76646 Bruchsal

Phone +49 7251 8009 161

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