Greener printing technology
There’s always room for improvement (thankfully)… and particularly so when it comes to improving sustainability in the packaging industry. DEBATIN, of course, has been committed for many years to improving the carbon footprint of its products. Now we’re delighted to have reached yet another milestone — this time relating to the way we print flexible packaging. It’s an achievement we couldn’t have made alone, which is why a big THANK YOU is in order for the partners who helped us: Apex International, global market leader for anilox rollers, and Doneck Euroflex S.A., who specialise in flexographic printing inks and gravure inks.
New anilox roller technology requires less printing ink
It all began when Apex decided to optimise its product development. Apex manufactures the anilox rollers used in DEBATIN’s printing presses. The new generation of GTT 2.0 anilox roller technology uses an amazing 22 % less printing ink. What’s more, the printed results are as vibrant as ever. As a result, our carbon footprint just got even smaller — with fewer carbon emissions resulting from every kilo of printing ink we use. Christian Huth, Key Account Manager for Apex International, explains that the GTT 2.0 ensures up to 50 % reduction in cell wall surface area across the anilox roller, while decreasing the required channel depth by an average of 25 %. As a result, ink is transferred more consistently and the opacity is higher. In short: the GTT 2.0 delivers better results than those achieved using conventional anilox technology.
Greener use of resources — same tried and trusted quality
“Using the new anilox roller technology, we deliver results to the same quality standards as always,” explains DEBATIN CEO Thomas Rose. “But at the same time, we’re helping to make the whole process greener for everyone — for ourselves as well as for our customers. In short: the new technology reduces carbon emissions when printing flexible packaging by more than 20 %.” If you’d like to know more about flexographic printing at DEBATIN, please see here:
Three partners, one aim: to drive sustainability
The success of this venture was rooted in a project revolving around Anton Debatin GmbH in Bruchsal. Markus Musoke (head of DEBATIN’s printing department) and Christian Huth (Apex International) teamed up with a third partner, Meikel Maier, who is Key Account Manager for Doneck Euroflex S.A. — the very company that won the DEBATIN Sustainability Champion award in May 2024. (Click here for more details on our blog). Using digital readings on multiple test runs to measure the opacity, Meikel Maier was able to confirm that the saturation and thus quality of the printing inks met the desired standards. This success was due in part to another component of the project: a highly opaque white printing ink that Doneck Euroflex S.A. developed in close collaboration with DEBATIN.
“The viscosity of this white printing ink is perfect for flexographic printing, and it’s also highly opaque,” Meikel Maier explains. But what led to this significant development? “It’s our duty to advise customers and ensure they get the best product and greenest solution to match their production requirements. Even if it means we get to sell less ink. Our slogan is ‘We think green’ — and we take it seriously!”
“The GTT anilox roller is cleverly designed with continuous channels that distribute the printing ink evenly,” adds Musoke, head of DEBATIN’s printing department. “This has a direct impact on the quality of the printed results. Unlike prints delivered by conventional anilox rollers, the surface of the resulting print in this case is homogenous and free of pinholes. This is largely due to the improved opacity, even though it is achieved using an identical amount of printing ink. As a result, we’re able to reduce the amount of printing inks we use.”
Another decided advantage of the GTT anilox roller, according to Markus Musoke, is its higher line screen. This stabilises the print and allows the user to create highly precise and focused prints of even the finest elements. All in all, the GTT anilox roller significantly improves the printing process thanks to the advantages of its channel structure. The resulting prints have a more homogenous surface, more detail and higher opacity, all while using less ink.
Laut Markus Musoke zeigt sich die höhere Linienanzahl der GTT Rasterwalze darüber hinaus als klarer Pluspunkt. Sie stabilisiert den Druckpunkt und ermöglicht es, feine Elemente präzise und scharf abzubilden. So bringt die GTT Rasterwalze durch ihre Kanalstruktur und die damit verbundenen Vorteile klare Verbesserungen im Druckprozess: homogene Flächen, höhere Deckkraft, Einsparungen bei der Farbe und eine bessere Detailwiedergabe.
By the way — the new, greener printing technology attracted lots of visitors and much admiration at the DRUPA trade fair, where all three partners hosted a joint exhibition stand.
Another noteworthy advantage is that less maintenance work is required on the printing presses when using GTT engraving, so operating hours are maximised. “Printers are reporting a significant decrease in the amount of maintenance work required. The plates don’t have to be cleaned so often, which means the print quality is more consistent and print runs can continue uninterrupted for longer. This in turn increases productivity,” Christian Huth explains. In addition, a thinner application equates to less printing ink and 15 % to 25 % faster drying time. Reducing the drying time also saves energy. All in all, the new technology has inspired all the parties involved to continue shrinking their carbon footprints in production.