Carbon-neutral labelling: The DEBATIN Group remains carbon neutral!

Here at DEBATIN, we’re committed to acting sustainably and protecting the environment – and also to open, honest communication. Our goal is maximum transparency when it comes to communicating our efforts and achievements in the field of carbon neutrality. Scope 3 & the “Green Claims Directive” From 2017 to 2023, [...]


DEBATIN celebrates its centenary – sustainability as a core DEBATIN value

Until the nineteen-sixties, the sustainability of our planet was not something people gave much thought to. Environmental awareness only began to creep in as the West gradually became aware of the negative repercussions of industrial activity. Initially, people used phrases like “environmental hygiene” or “protecting the environment”. Only towards [...]


DEBAPAC® PCR document pouches – sustainable, self-adhesive, Made in Germany

DEBATIN is committed to becoming as green as possible. Which is why we’re now replacing our highly popular DEBAPAC® document pouches for invoices, delivery notes and freight documents, operating instructions, etc. with a more planet-friendly version: our new DEBAPAC® PCR self-adhesive document pouches. The new DEBAPAC® PCR document pouches [...]

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